- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. 2016. From Texts to Graphics – Emoticons for Communication, Poorna Publications, (126 – 132), March 2016, ISBN 978-81-300-1772-3
- Malyakkal, Premanand Edward. "Disruptive Innovations in the Classroom - Boon or Bane?" Teacher Education in the Digital Era. Vol. 2. Chennai: P Duraisamy, 2016. 298-99. Print. ISBN 978-93-82570-76-9 (Vol – II)
- Premanand, M E. 2015. New Trends in Advertising. Poorna Publications. ISBN 978-81-300-1684-9
- Edward Malyakkal, Premanand. "Improved Writing Capabilities Using LMS." International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering 3.4 (2015): 3369-374. Http:// Ess & Ess Research Publications. Web. Impact Factor - 5.618
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. 2015. LMS as a Tool for a Smarter Teacher, Prasakthi Book House, (191 – 202), September, ISBN 978-8192331-7-9
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. 2015. Reverberation and Multiplicity in the Visual Medium, Indian Journal of Postcolonial Literatures, (154 –158), June 2015, Vol 15 No.1. ISSN 0974-7370
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal, Sreeedevi B. 2015. Re-orienting Students into Blended Learning using Writing Components, Poorna Publications, (104 – 109) July 2015, ISBN 978-81-300-1695-5
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. 2015. Supernatural Beliefs in Legends of Khasak, South Indian Folklorist, No. 11, (135 – 138) 20.02.2015 ISSN 2249-2925
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. 2014. Songs that enliven GK, Conversation and IT skills ELT VISTAS. Vol V.1. March 2013. 97-100. State Institute of English, Thrissur, Kerala. ISSN 0975-8526.
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. "Living in an Appcentric World." Premanand M E. Malabar Christian College. Web. 9 Aug. 2014. <>.
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. "Informatics Visually." Online video resource. 18 July 2014. Web. 9 Aug. 2014.
- Malyakkal, Premanand Edward. "Gamification in the Classroom." International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJIRCST) (2014): 52-55. Electronic Document. Impact Factor 2.081
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. 2013. Improving Reading Skills in Classrooms using English Newspapers. International Conference on English Language Teaching. ISBN 978-81-920171-6-7
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. 2013. English Communication for Additional Skills Acquisition Programme, (ASAP) Govt. of Kerala.
- English & Communication Technology. 2013. Textbook for III Semester BA Functional English. Poorna Publications. ISBN 978-81-300-1500-2
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. 2013. Enhanced learning in the classroom using Viral Videos ELTIF. Vol V.2. April 2014. 14-17. ELTIF, Mahe. ISSN 2230-7710.
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. 2012. Tablet – A Pill for Virtual Education. CEC, New Delhi. 124 – 127. Online edition
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. 2012. Using Hypertext as an alternate discourse in ESL classrooms, ELT VISTAS. Vol 4 No. 1. March 2012. 53-57. District Centre for English. Thrissur. ISSN 0975-8526
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. 2012. Representation of the Self in films that adopt new technology to ennce viewing pleasure. CASRELL – Farook College, Calicut University. 102-107. ISBN 978-81-926652-1-4
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. 2012. Textbook. Informatics for III Semester BA English and III Sem BA Functional English. Calicut University. Poorna Publications. ISBN 978-81-300-1386-2
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. 2012. Textbook. Media Studies for IV Sem BA Functional English. Poorna Publications. ISBN 978-81-300-1388-6
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. 2012. Textbook. Media Studies for VI Sem BA Functional English. Poorna Publications. ISBN 978-81-300-1389-3
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal. 2012. Textbook. Advanced Communication for MA English. Poorna Publications. ISBN 978-81-300-1443-2
- Premanand, Edward Malyakkal, 2011. Technological Impact on Writing Pedagogy. Conference Proceedings, UGC National Seminar on Language Technology. 119 - 127. SBN 978-81-920171-1-2.